
An ancient fishing village in the southern part of the island

A handful of coloured houses, a round harbour, a large, green hill in the back, a small, whimsical mount keeping watch over the village: Sant'Angelo is immediately striking because of its genuine beauty of a fishing village, quiet, sun-kissed, with narrow, windy roads which lead you right up to a breathtaking view at the Bay of the Maronti, at the infinite escape of the sea.

This is why Sant'Angelo has always been beloved by those seeking a place to forget, to rediscover themselves, or to lose themselves in a love for an enchanting land. Auden, Pasolini, Bargheer, Neruda ... many have been the artists from all over the world who spent long stays here in the first half of the nineteen hundreds, spreading the fame of the small paradise.

But Sant'Angelo, although becoming famous, never lost its charm, its simplicity, intimate and close atmosphere which make it one of the perfect places for those who want to live in close contact with nature but without giving up the commodities of a holiday in total luxury.